Historic Preservation Commission
Coeur d'Alene's Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was established in 2019. The commission is tasked with promoting the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the public of the City of Coeur d'Alene through the identification, evaluation, and designation of those buildings, sites, districts, areas, structures, and objects that constitute or contain significant elements of historic, architectural, archaeological, and cultural interest reflecting the heritage of the City, the State, and/or the Nation.
NOTE: Buildings originally constructed prior to 1960 are now subject to demolition review by the City's Historic Preservation Commission before any demolition permit can be issued. (Exemptions: dangerous buildings as determined by the Building Official or designee, and internal remodels do not trigger this review)
The City Council adopted Ordinance No. 3741 on November 19, 2024 that requires demolition review for historic buildings originally constructed prior to 1960.
The purpose of this Section is to establish a review process whenever the owner of property requests a demolition permit for a building or structure originally constructed prior to 1960. The goals of the Demolition Process are to provide education about historic preservation to owners of such buildings and structures, ensure photographic documentation of Historic Buildings and Structures, preserve items of historical interest, provide input on new design opportunities and community context, and encourage feedback on historic preservation.
For properties meeting these criteria, the following process will apply:
1. When an owner or the owner’s representative submits an application for a demolition permit to the Building Department, the Building Official or designee shall verify if the building or structure was originally constructed prior to 1960. If so, a demolition permit shall not be issued and the Building Official or designee shall notify the Community Planning Director of the application.
2. Within seven (7) days of receiving notice from the Building Official or designee of the application for a demolition permit for a building or structure originally constructed prior to 1960, the Community Planning Director or designee shall determine if it is located within an historic district, or if it is individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places or is considered to be eligible for listing, whether as a contributing or noncontributing property.
3. If Community Planning Director or designee determines that the building or structure was originally constructed prior to 1960, and/or it is located within an historic district, and/or individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places or is considered to be individually eligible for listing, whether as a contributing or noncontributing property, the Community Planning Director or designee shall refer the application for a demolition permit to the Commission subcommittee charged with reviewing applications for demolition permits. Otherwise, the Community Planning Director or designee shall inform the Building Official that a demolition permit may be issued.
4. Within seven (7) days of the referral, a member of the Commission subcommittee shall review the application and conduct a windshield survey of the property. The member shall determine whether to refer the application to the Commission for further review or approve the issuance of the demolition permit.
5. If the matter is referred to the Commission for further review, it shall be placed on the agenda for the next regular Commission meeting. The applicant, and any abutting and adjoining property owners will be notified of the meeting by mail or personal service at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. The matter shall be the first action item on the Commission agenda and the Commission shall take public comment from any interested person. No public hearing will be conducted, but the applicant and staff will be allowed to present to the Commission. Following any presentations and receipt of public comment, the Commission shall make recommendations to the property owner for preservation, if feasible, and possible modifications to the building or structure if the building or structure is to be preserved. The Commission may request a site visit to take photographs to document the interior and exterior of the building or structure, and/or salvage of significant items such as doors, windows, mantles, fireplaces, stained glass, molding, etc. The Commission will forward its recommendations to the property owner and the Community Planning Director.
6. The Community Planning Director or designee shall promptly notify the Building Official of the Commission’s recommendations and whether the demolition permit may be issued or if additional documentation is required prior to demolition.
7. Nothing in this Section shall be construed so as to deny a property owner the right to demolish any building or structure on his or her property, subject to the process outlined herein.
Current Efforts:
- Heart of History Awards Program and May as Historic Preservation Month
- Garden District National Register of Historic Places Nomination (underway) - expected to be listed in the NRHP by the early 2025
- Demolition Review process for structures older than 1960 (excluding dangerous buildings and interior remodels) - adopted and underway
- Inadvertent Discovery Plan - to address cultural and historic resources discovered during construction activities
- Downtown and Infill Working Group (participation by three commissioners) - helping evaluate the current development standards and design guidelines, and add historic preservation practices into new standards.
- Reconnaissance Level Survey of Structures in Downtown Coeur d'Alene - currently seeking a consultant team to assist with the grant-funded effort. Scheduled to begin in December 2024.
- Exploring possible Historic Overlay Areas
- Historic Building Materials Information and Trainings

Click Here to review the Historic Preservation Plan adopted December 2021
Coeur d'Alene Tribe Land Acknowledgement
We respectfully acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people, the Coeur d’Alene, who have occupied the lands that include the City of Coeur d’Alene, Coeur d’Alene Lake and the Spokane River for time immemorial. The Schitsu’umsh are “Those who are found here” or “The discovered people” and they have been telling their story in song and dance for thousands of years in celebration and in hardship. We are fortunate that the Coeur d’Alenes have blessed the land and formed strong relationships to continue as stewards to protect and preserve the land, lake, and other resources. We acknowledge the Tribe’s 5 Core Values for decisions related to the land and the future of the Coeur d’Alene people. We are honored to learn, grow, play and live upon the traditional territory of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and to have the opportunity to work together to improve our land and strengthen our communities for future generations. Time Immemorial. Present. Future.
Historic Preservation Commission Members:
Walter Burns- Chair
Anneliese Miller- Vice Chair
Anne Anderson- Secretary
Sandy Emerson
Shannon Sardell
Rick Shaffer
Doug Harro
Dan McCracken
Stephen Shepperd
City Council Liaison: Councilmember Kiki Miller
Meeting Date:
The Historic Preservation Commission will meet at least four times a year; however, the full commission and subcommittees may meet more frequently. Starting July 2023, the regular commission meetings will generally take place on the 4th Wednesday of that month starting at 12:00 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and publicized to allow and promote public participation in the decisions of the commission. Please see meeting agendas for information on how to participate.
Historic Resources Guide - Salvage, Materials, Milling, Lighting & Hardware
Articles on mental health related to the loss of historic places
(supporting documents for the temporary moratorium - June 2024)
"Coeur d'Alene council moves to protect history" Moratorium article in the CDA Press (6/20/24)
Historic Preservation Code (Amended 2023)
Historic Preservation Commission Bylaws (Amended 2023)
Historic Preservation Plan (adopted December 2021)
How do I get a historic property listed?
Certified Local Government Overview
Garden District Nomination to the National Register of Historic Places Website
"Garden District May Make History" (CDA Press, June 15, 2023)
Cultural Resources Brochure from the Coeur d'Alene Tribe
Staff Liaison: Hilary Patterson, Community Planning Director, (208) 769-2270
The Historic Preservation Commission may be reached by mail at:
[email protected]
(mailto:[email protected])