Child Care Commission

The Childcare Commission was formed to oversee the rules and regulations of the City of Coeur d’ Alene regarding licensed childcare in-home and facilities. The Commission was formed to ensure the City meets the need of both parents and providers within the City limits to promote a safe and healthy environment for childcare with ongoing education required for providers. 

The Childcare Commission consists of 9 voting members, which are appointed for a four year term. Meetings are held monthly on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference room 6. All meetings are open to the public for information please call the Deputy City Clerk at 769-2229 to confirm meeting times and dates. Click the "Agendas" link on the left of the screen to view the current Childcare Commission agenda.

The Commission consists of: Representative for Head Start, North Idaho Association For the Education Of Young Children (NAEYC), Family Child Care Association, Center Child Care, Department of Health and Welfare, Panhandle Health District, Child Care Resource Center, one city resident who has been or is currently a consumer of childcare within the city limits and a high school student, who attends school within the boundaries of school district 271 and is between the ages of fourteen (14) and eighteen (18).

Current Childcare Commissioners

Iris Siegler Chairman
Susie Freligh
Kim Torgerson
Jolie Wenglikowski
Beth Ann Fuller
Stephanie Goss
Royale Lockhart

 Duties of the Childcare Commission

  1. Make recommendations to the City Council for licensing criteria that promote safety and health needs in both home care providers and facility providers.
  2. Incorporate recommendations that fall within City and State guidelines.
  3. Determine selection criteria for providers that wish to apply for the Mayors’ Excellence in Quality Childcare Award.
  4. Receive public comments and hold meetings, on issues arising from implementation and enforcement of licensing criteria.
  5. Distribute educational and items of public interest regarding Childcare via the City website.

Resources - Education Classes