Leadership across Kootenai County have combined resources to stop the spread of COVID-19 through a public awareness campaign.
The joint "Wear a Mask" campaign launched Wednesday, July 22, across Kootenai County reminding both residents and visitors to wear masks to stop the spread of coronavirus. Signs and billboards that say "Stop the spread. Wear a mask in Kootenai County" will be placed across the area. Short clips will air on local TV and radio stations to alert the public. Printable signs are being released for mass distribution and printing by any entity for use on their property. Many local businesses and organizations have agreed to distribute local signs.
Partners in the campaign include the cities of Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls, Panhandle Health District, Kootenai Health, Heritage Health, SD 271 and SD273, North Idaho College, and Knudtsen Chevrolet. More partners are expected to joint the campaign shortly.
"We are grateful for our local leaders who have collaborated on this campaign," said Steve Widmyer, Mayor of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. "Our goal is stopping the spread of coronavirus while avoiding another quarantine. With the help and cooperation of our community, we can contain COVID-19 and enjoy North Idaho the way we all know and love."
In a council announcement, Councilmember Kiki Miller said, "I believe when we, as a community, get behind the importance of this message, folks will do the right thing, wear a mask when they can't safely socially distance and help keep businesses open and our citizens safe."
Please feel free to print, post, and distribute the "Stop the spread. Wear a mask in Kootenai County" flyers:
FLYER (PDF format)FLYER (JPG format)FLYER (PNG format)